Thursday, January 31, 2013

Public Meeting Scheduled to Discuss Activities Co-op with Arcadia Schools

At a strategic planning meeting, scheduled to be held at the Loup City JSH Commons on February 6, 2013 at 7:30pm, the Loup City Board of Education would like to hear from district patrons regarding a proposed activities co-operative agreement with the Arcadia Public Schools.

Facilitating the discussion will be Todd Beck, principal at Greely-Wolbach Public Schools along with Arnold Public Schools Superintendent, Pat Osmond and Jarod Rush, activities director at the Arnold Public Schools.

The Board and district administration will field questions, hear comments, and consider suggestions on the possible co-operative sponsorship of school activities with the Arcadia Public Schools. Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA) guidelines, which are listed below, will be used as discussion points during the strategic planning meeting:

1.     If you already have a program, are students from another school going to replace students from your community?
2.     Who will pay the cost of equipment and travel?
3.     How will gate receipts be dispersed?
4.     Who is responsible for the cost of travel to and from practice?
5.     Where will practice be held?
6.     Where will contests be played?
7.     Which school’s identity will be use? Mascot, colors, ect.
8.     Are local eligibility rules, lettering guidelines, ect., the same at both/all schools?
9.     Selection of cheerleaders. Who’s eligible?
10.  Will activity tickets and or season tickets be honored?
11.  How will coaches be employed and paid?
12.  Insurance.
13.  If students are combined for girls basketball, for example, the boys’ teams may be assigned to different districts-possibly even different classes.
14.  Expenses for facilities, lights, heating, showers, towels, laundry, ect., including maintenance of practice and playing facilities.
15.  Expenses for scouting, coaches’ meetings, ect. Who is responsible?
16.  Contracts with other schools, officials, ect.
17.  Responsibilities for hosting and supervising events.
18.  Resolution of disputes.
19.  Which school will handle eligibility?

 The strategic planning meeting  is an opportunity for district patrons to express opinions, get the facts, and ask questions. Please join us on February 6th and be part of the discussion as we explore this exciting opportunity for our students.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

LCPS Board Schedules Special Meetings in January & February

At their January 14, 2013 meeting, the Loup City Board of Education scheduled two special meetings to focus on specific district issues:
·       The first meeting, to be held on Monday January 21, 2013 at 7:30 pm in room 316 will address the appointment of a person to complete the Board of Education term of the late Steve Badura.
·       The second special meeting, to be held on Wednesday February 6, 2013 at 7:30, will be a strategic planning meeting to invite public comment on a school activities co-operative agreement with the Arcadia Public Schools.

Public Participation: Board of Education meetings and Board of Education public forums are open meetings, which patrons are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Following a short introduction by Superintendent Tom Hinrichs, Board President Mike Rademacher will invite comment and questions from the public, utilizing the following guidelines:
·       Any person wishing to address the board will be asked to sign-in before speaking or in advance, by contacting the superintendent’s office.
·       Comments must be limited to issues at hand.
·       We ask that comments be limited to five (5) minutes in length.
·       For groups with the same special interest, we request that a spokesperson be appointed.
·       We are requesting that, if possible, a copy of patron comments is provided in writing, to the Board via the Superintendent’s office, before the meeting, or provided by the speaker at the meeting.

A record of all questions, comments, and suggestions will be compiled and added to the information on these topics, which will be made available to the public.

Please join us on January 14th and February 6th for these important discussions