Tuesday, August 21, 2012

LCPS Football Stadium Guidelines

Before the first football game on August 31st with Nebraska Christian, I will be visiting classes to remind students of our expectations for student behavior during home football games. In order to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all of our patrons and fans at home games, please review the following guidelines with your student(s):
  • We are asking students to remain in the stands during football games. Students are to be in the stands or leave the stadium.  (Of course, students may freely move directly to and from the rest room and concession stand areas) This expectation applies to Loup City students as well as to visiting students
  •   We will not allow students to congregate around the concession stand, on the hill, or in the parking lot before or during football games.

In the past, we have had numerous safety issues and near misses involving students running between and among parked cars; of cars being hit by balls and other objects; and of students arguing and misbehaving around the stadium as they engage in unsupervised activities.

In order to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone attending our games, we are working to address these issues with our students and parents. I appreciate your help in reviewing these expectations with our student(s) and in supporting our efforts to provide a safe, friendly, and organized environment in our stadium.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back-to-School Night 2012

The LCPS Booster Club Back-to-School Night is coming. Please join us from 6-8 pm on Wed. Aug. 15th  to kick-off the school year.

Students are parents are welcomed and encouraged to drop off school supplies, tour the building meet teachers and enjoy a hot dog, chips & ice cream bar (provided by the Boosters and Citizens Bank).

Two meetings are scheduled during  Booster Club Back-to-School Night:

  • Parents of students in grades 4-6 will meet at 6pm in the JSH commons to review schedules and class assignments.
  • Laptops will be handed out to ninth grade students and students new to the Loup City district at 7pm in room 334.

It's going to be a great year- and it starts with Back-to-School Night.