Thursday, December 13, 2012

Following 2-day school visit

LCPS Receives AdvancED Recommendation for Continued Accreditation

Following a two-day visit by an AdvancEd accreditation team, lead by Jeff McQuistan of Educational Service Unit #17, the Loup City Public Schools received the team's recommendation for continued AdvancED accreditation. The AdvancED process is voluntary and represents a commitment on the part of the district to embrace higher accreditation standards than required by the Nebraska Department of Education for school accreditation.

The accreditation team was very complementary of the Loup City community, teaching and support staff, administration and Board of Education. The report lists powerful practices of the district,  ratings according to the five AdvancED standards, and actions required to maintain AdvancED accreditation.

The complete AdvancED Accreditation Team Exit Report, which was provided to LCPS staff and Board Members at the conclusion of the team's visit is available on the district website.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

LCPS Joins Arcadia Public Schools in Junior-High Boys’ Basketball Co-op

At their December 10, 2012 Meeting, the Loup City Board of Education approved the co-operative sponsorship of junior high boys’ basketball with the Arcadia Public Schools for the 2012-13 season.
 Tentative practice plans call for one combined weekly practice at Loup City and one at Arcadia. Athletes will practice separately at their home schools on Wednesdays (church night). Friday night’s practice schedule will be determined by early outs and home varsity games at each school. Games are scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Coaches for the combined squad are Kirk Harrington and Dusti Van Slyke
2013 Arcadia-Loup City JHBB Schedule
1-10-13 ENLS @ Arcadia- 2:30p,
1-14-13 Spalding/Spalding Academy @ Arcadia- 2:30pm
1-21 & 22-13 Ansley-Litchfiled Tournament @ Ansley- 3:30pm
1-24-13 @ Burwell- 4pm
1-28-13 Centura @ Loup City- 4pm
2-4-13 St. Paul @ Loup City-4pm
2-11-13 Ravenna @ Ravenna-4pm
2-18-13 Gibbon @ Loup City-4pm

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

LCPS Receives Excellent Audit Report

 At the November 12, 2012 Loup City Board of Education Meeting, Gary Hinrichs and Mick Puckett of Dana F. Cole and Company, the district’s auditors, reported on the outcome of the yearly district audit.  According to the auditors, the Loup City Public Schools received an, “unqualified audit report, which is the best report available as the results of an audit.”

The audit report went on to explain that an unqualified opinion “means that in our opinion the financial statements are presented fairly in all material respects in accordance with the basis of accounting as reported on.”

The audit report went on to praise district business manager, Janelle Swanson, stating that, “We encountered no difficulties in dealing with management and the staff in performing and completing our audit. The records were in great shape.”

The complete audit presentation is available on the district website,

Friday, October 26, 2012

Governor Heineman Recognizes LCPS Test Score Improvement

 The Loup City Public Schools have been recognized by Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman in a news article entitled: A salute to schools with top test scores. In this article, the Governor recognizes our high school students for, improving our reading scores (on the NeSA) each of the past three years.

Governor Heineman explains that, “The State of Nebraska conducts statewide reading, math, science and writing assessments so that parents, citizens, school boards, superintendents, principals, teachers and elected officials can compare results from one district to another. This data can be very helpful in improving both student and school academic achievement performance.

 The governor’s article goes on to state: “We now have three years of reading data and I want to note that among smaller (class D1 and D2)  schools,  Alma, Axtell, Creighton, Elm Creek, Emerson-Hubbard, Loup City, Palmer, Shelby, Southwest and Winside have all improved their reading scores every year.

We are proud of the hard work of our students and staff as we continue to strive for excellence in all things LCPS.

The complete article can be found here.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

LCPS Technology Rundown

LCPS is currently in the second year of our 24/7 Learning program. The program began with the addition of student laptops and computer carts in 2011.  The initiative to utilize technology in our curriculum has continued to grow and develop as we look for new and better ways to engage students. A lot has happened in those two-years including:
  •     Adding another 30-laptop cart to keep up with the needs of our K-8 students
  •      Demonstrating  new digital Social Studies curriculum to our Board  (by district social studies  teachers
  •       Establishing student Google, email and Moodle accounts
  •      Introducing computer skills as early as kindergarten (ipads are now being used at the pre-school)
  •     Teaching classes in Keyboarding and computer skills at the 4th, 5th & 6th grade level
  •      Requiring computer applications classes for all 7th & 8th grade students
  •     Establishing a Computer-based elementary assessment-prep class
  •     Delivering assignments, assessment, & feedback  online via Moodle in many classes 
  •     Adding clickers, ipads, & ipods to supplement our curriculum
  •     Creating podcasts of many literature texts.
  •      Providing online copies of math & social studies textbooks. We will continue this practice as we adopt new curricular materials.
  •      Using podcasts, books-on-CD, instructional websites, and other online resources for student accommodations
  •        Providing staff technology training: including (MAP assessment, Moodle, DIEBELS Next, Check4Learning, Atomic Learning, Lan School, web-based Lessons, elementary curricular resources, Storia,  etc.)
  •      Conducting One-on-one and small-group technology training ,by our technology director, at teacher request
  •       Creating  staff blogs  using Google docs & Word Press
  •     Providing on-line Library access to students and patrons
  •     Sponsoring training opportunities for students, staff and parents in digital citizenship.

Our curriculum is based on state standards, and our staff by far make the greatest contribution to the success of our students. Technology will never replace a good teacher, but it can be a valuable resource. Our staff uses many tools to provide opportunities for students. Technology is powerful tool that we use to engage students, drive instruction, and facilitate learning.

Please feel free to stay informed of all things LCPS by following our progress on the school web-site, the school Facebook page or by visiting our classrooms.

I would invite any interested patron to visit our schools and get a first-hand look at the great things happening in technology and other areas. You will be impressed.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

LCPS Board Lowers Tax Levy in 2012-13 Budget Resolution

Recently, we examined the improving state (NeSA) test scores in the Loup City district, this week; we take a look at the budget.

Following a public hearing, the LCPS Board approved a 2012-13 budget resolution calling for a slight decrease in the district’s tax levy.   The district’s total tax request decreased $72,296 from the 2011-12 tax asking. Patron’s will be taxed at a rate of $1.0637 per. $100 of assessed valuation, which is down from the $1.0668 rate in 2011-12.

Factors impacting the 2012-13 budgets include:

  • The General Fund Budget will increase .8% over 2012-13. The general fund tax levy shows an increase of $.0121 over 2011-12. The general fund levy is set at $.09735 (up slightly from $0.9614)

  • The Bond Fund requirements will decrease $30,605 in 12-13, with the bond fund levy decreasing 16.9% compared to 2011-12. The decrease is mainly due to our bond refinance last year. The bond fund levy is set at $0.0902, down from $0.1054.

  • The Total Tax Asking for 2012-13 shows an overall decrease of 2.2% from the previous year.  The total levy is set at $1.0637, down from $1.0668

  • District Cash Reserves total $2.28m, in the general fund cash reserve, depreciation fund, and employee benefit fund. Loup City maintains the maximum cash reserve allowed by state law.

Other Budget Facts:
  • District income is generated mainly (88%) from local property taxes
  • The greatest expenditure in the general fund budget is for salary and benefits (65%).
  • Assessed valuation in the district increased just over 5% ($13m) this year
  •  State aid increased $2,116, to $34,911.  The high water mark for state aid was $1.22m in 2003-04. In the last budget cycle (2009-11) State aide averaged $639,000.
  • The 2012-13 tax levy of $1.0637 is the second lowest levy since 1995-96. The high-water mark for total tax levy was $1.62 in 1996-97. As recently as 2003-04, the total levy stood at $1.19.
  • The 2012-13 bond fund levy is the second lowest, since the bond was passed. The highest bond levy was $0.26 in 1996-97.

Through thoughtful foresight, careful planning, and hard work our Board has been able to maintain our staff, upgrade academic and activity programs, improve our excellent facilities, and offer increased opportunities to our students-all while keeping tax levy at near historic lows.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

LCPS Board to Consider 2012-13 Budget Resolution

The Loup City Board of Education will hold a public hearing at 7:30pm on Monday September 10, 2012 to consider the district's 2012-13 tax request (levy)  and budget resolutions.

The levy resolution and published budget can be found on the LCPS Budget Information section of the district website.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

LCPS Football Stadium Guidelines

Before the first football game on August 31st with Nebraska Christian, I will be visiting classes to remind students of our expectations for student behavior during home football games. In order to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all of our patrons and fans at home games, please review the following guidelines with your student(s):
  • We are asking students to remain in the stands during football games. Students are to be in the stands or leave the stadium.  (Of course, students may freely move directly to and from the rest room and concession stand areas) This expectation applies to Loup City students as well as to visiting students
  •   We will not allow students to congregate around the concession stand, on the hill, or in the parking lot before or during football games.

In the past, we have had numerous safety issues and near misses involving students running between and among parked cars; of cars being hit by balls and other objects; and of students arguing and misbehaving around the stadium as they engage in unsupervised activities.

In order to ensure a positive and enjoyable experience for everyone attending our games, we are working to address these issues with our students and parents. I appreciate your help in reviewing these expectations with our student(s) and in supporting our efforts to provide a safe, friendly, and organized environment in our stadium.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Back-to-School Night 2012

The LCPS Booster Club Back-to-School Night is coming. Please join us from 6-8 pm on Wed. Aug. 15th  to kick-off the school year.

Students are parents are welcomed and encouraged to drop off school supplies, tour the building meet teachers and enjoy a hot dog, chips & ice cream bar (provided by the Boosters and Citizens Bank).

Two meetings are scheduled during  Booster Club Back-to-School Night:

  • Parents of students in grades 4-6 will meet at 6pm in the JSH commons to review schedules and class assignments.
  • Laptops will be handed out to ninth grade students and students new to the Loup City district at 7pm in room 334.

It's going to be a great year- and it starts with Back-to-School Night.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

LCPS 2013 Graduation Date Rescheduled

At their June meeting, the Loup City Board of Education revised the 2012-13 school calendar, moving the graduation date from Sunday May 12th to Saturday May 11th. The time for the 2013 commencement ceremonies will remain at 2pm.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

LCPS and Arcadia Schools Agree to Sports Coop

The Loup City  and Arcadia school districts have agreed to enter into a cooperative sponsorship of volleyball, cross country and girls' golf, starting with the 2012 season.  At special Board meetings held on May 29th in each district, the Loup City and Arcadia School Boards  passed resolutions approving the cooperative sponsorship and have made formal application to the Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA) for permission to form the activities coop.

A coop board,composed of members from the Arcadia and Loup City  School Boards will be formed to oversee the combined programs and implement the  provisions of the agreement between the schools.  It is an rewarding and encouraging  to see how the students, parents coaches, patrons and Board Members of the Arcadia and Loup City districts have come together to provide increased opportunities for students to participate and compete.

Patrons are encouraged to contact superintendent Mike McCabe (Arcadia) or Tom Hinrichs (Loup City) with any questions, comments, or suggestions.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

LCPS Board to Consider Cooperative Sponsorships with Arcadia

At a special Board meeting, scheduled for Tuesday May 29, 2012,  the Loup City Board of Education will consider adopting a resolution approving a cooperative sponsorship agreement in volleyball, cross country  ( boys and girls) and girl's golf with the Arcadia Public Schools. The meeting will take place at 8pm in Room 316 of the Junior-Senior High School.

 In order to be approved by the Nebraska School Activities Association (NSAA) for the 2012-13 school year  formal resolutions, adopted by the Loup City and Arcadia Boards of Education respectively,  must be received by the NSAA before June 1, 2012. The agenda for the Loup City Board of Education special meeting is available on the district website.

If approved, the cooperative sponsorships would begin during the fall 2012 activity seasons in the respective sports.

Friday, April 20, 2012

LCPS State Aid Certified for 2012-13

The Nebraska Department of Education has certified 2012-13 state aid for the Loup City Public Schools at $33,852, which is an increase of $1,102 from our 2011-12 aid. The high water mark for state aid received by the district was $1,389,902 in 1998-99.  The $33,852 aid figure for this year (2011-12) is the lowest amount that the district has received since the current state aid system has been in place. A look the last 10 years of state aid shows a steady decrease in the amount of funding that we receive:
State Aid
State Aid

Why has state aid to the Loup City District been cut so drastically?
Last year, which was the first year of the state’s current two-year budget cycle, legislators were faced with a huge state-wide budget shortfall. To help address the deficit, most agencies and organizations receiving state support saw cutbacks in state funding. The school funding formula was adjusted to place greater reliance on local resources (property taxes) and less emphasis on state funding.  This school funding shift resulted state-aid reductions in over 90% of Nebraska school districts.
How does the educational funding formula apply to LCPS?
The basic formula for determining state aid to education is: Needs minus Resources= State Aid
Factors on the needs side of the equation, which impact LCPS include:
● Basic Funding (general fund expenses)
● Poverty Allowance
● Limited English Proficiency
● Elementary Class Size Allowance
● Summer School Allowance
● Transportation Allowance
● Distance Education Allowance
● Local Choice Adjustment (option students)

Our Formula needs for 2012-13 are calculated at $3.495.789.74
Formula Resources include:
● Local Effort Rate: (Local valuation / 100 x 1.0395 local effort rate)
● Income Tax Funds
● Actual Receipts
● Retirement Aid
Our Total Formula Resources for 2012-13 are calculated at $3,589,049.91
Under this formula, since our resources are greater than our needs- we receive no equalization aid. The state aide that we will receive in 2012-13 will come in the form of Allocated Income Tax Funds ($16,506.27) and Retirement Aid ($17,346.57) for a total of $33,852.84.

Does our relatively low general fund levy ($0.96) mean that we get less state aid than districts that levy at a higher rate?

No. Districts that levy less than $.95 are penalized with a minimum levy adjustment in the state aid formula.  While our low levy is the envy of many districts, that levy figure does not effect our state aid. It is not possible to spend our way to prosperity and increase state aid by increasing local spending.

The fact that our district has an assessed valuation in excess of $300m to support 310 students, under the present state aid formula, indicates to the state that the district does not need state support.

            The state aid formula will be revisited by the Nebraska Unicameral in next year’s session.  However, with local valuations increasing by an average of 6.85% over the last 10 years, our prospects for receiving dramatically increased state aid any time soon would appear to be remote at best.
Even with the decrease in state funding, the Loup City Public schools will continue to provide outstanding educational opportunities for our students, while continuing to be mindful of tax-payer burdens.

Complete State Aide Documents can be found at the NDE Website

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Fuel up to Play 60 Assembly

Photos from the recent Fuel up to Play 60 award assembly, featuring former Husker and current Minnesota Viking, Zack Bowman   are now available on the LCPS Facebook Page

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Fuel Up for 60 Assembly Scheduled for April 2nd

Zack Bowman, former Nebraska Cornhusker star, and current member of the Minnesota Vikings, will be in Loup City on Monday April 2nd as our guest at an all-school assembly. The program, and Zack's appearance, are rewards for our participation in the NFL's Fuel-up for 60 program. LCPS's participation in this program was sponsored and coordinated by school nurse, Pam Harrington.  Students in grades K-12 will be in attendance with parents and community members  invited and encouraged to attend. The assembly begins at 1:15 pm.

Monday, March 19, 2012

NeSA Assessments Begin at LCPS

The Nebraska State Assessments (NeSA) will be given at the Loup City Public Schools from March 26-May 4.  Results of the NeSA tests are used to determine the district's Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for the purposes of meeting No Child Left Behind guidelines. Tested Grades and Subjects are:

  •  Grade 3 (Reading, Math )
  • Grade 4  (Reading, Math )
  • Grade 5  (Reading, Math & Science)
  • Grade 6  (Reading & Math)
  • Grade 7 (Reading & Math)
  • Grade 8 (Reading, Math, & Science)
  • Grade 11(Reading, Math & Science)
The complete testing schedule is available on the district website:

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Strategic Planning Report

Updated information from the LCPS strategic planning meeting, held February 27, 2012 in now available on the Loup City Public Schools web site.

Thanks to everyone who participated.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

LCPS Board set District Goals for 2012-13

At their February meeting, the LCPS School Board identified four goals to prioritize the values, mission, and expectations of the Loup City Public Schools for the 2012-13 school year including:

Academic Excellence: To become a school system that inspires, challenges, and supports the highest level of excellence for all of our students. We believe an intellectually rigorous educational experience will develop graduates who will advance into the next phase of their lives prepared to function effectively in the world of the 21st century, and who understands the importance of living as informed, responsible citizens.

Safe and Orderly Schools: To work together as a school district and community to provide a safe and orderly learning environment.

Community Schools: To establish public trust and confidence through open, honest communications and positive relationships.

High Quality Workforce: To recruit, retain, and professionally develop a high-quality work force.

The purpose of district goals is to focus the efforts of the Board, administrative team, students, and staff in our quest for continuous improvement areas including: budgeting, staffing, curriculum, professional development, assessment, business operations, maintenance, transportation, food-service and technology.

These goals stress the Board’s high expectations of providing outstanding educational opportunities to all of our students.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Send a Message to LCPS Teachers for Nebraska Teacher Recognition Day

Nebraska Teacher Recognition Day is Tuesday, March 6, 2012. It is time to say "Thank You" to a teacher/ staff member who has made a difference. Please log onto the LCPS district Facebook page   (
to "like"  our Tribute to Teachers post and/or to leave a comment. Please take a minute to let that special staff member know how much you appreciate all that he/she does for kids.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Join us to Celebrate Read Across America & Dr. Suess' Birthday

The Kindergarten through third Grades at the Primary Building will be celebrating Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’ Birthday the week of Feb. 27, 2012  with the following activities :
Monday (Feb. 27)-Silly Sock Day  (Wear your silliest socks)
Tuesday (Feb. 28) - Wacky Hat Day (Wear your wackiest hat)
Wednesday (Feb. 29)-Dress Up As Your Favorite Dr. Seuss Character (For Example:  Mr. Brown, Cat in the Hat, The Grinch, Cindy Lou, Horton)

Please feel free to join us if you can for the Buddy Reading and celebration in the gym on Wednesday.
On Wednesday, Buddy Reading will take place in the classrooms from 2:00-2:30pm.  Kindergarteners will Buddy Read with the Second Graders and First Graders will Buddy Read with the Third Graders.  At 2:40pm, we will meet in the gym as “The Cat in the Hat” will read us a story.  After that we will celebrate Dr. Seuss’ Birthday by having a little treat.
                                 “You’re never too old, too wacky, too wild,
                                  To pick up a book and read with a child.” (NEA)

Monday, February 20, 2012

Public Forum to Discuss Conference Options

The Loup City Public School District is hosting a community forum on Monday, February 27, 2012 in the Jr.-Sr. High School Commons. starting at 7:30pm. The purpose of the forum is to discuss the district’s current conference affiliation and conference membership options open to the district in the future.

Public Participation: Board of Education meetings and Board of Education public forums are open meetings, which patrons are welcomed and encouraged to attend. Following a short presentation by Superintendent Tom Hinrichs, Board President Mike Rademacher will invite comment and questions from the public, utilizing the following guidelines:
·       Any person wishing to address the board will be asked to sign-in before speaking or in advance, by contacting the superintendent’s office.
·       Comments must be limited to issues at hand.
·       We ask that comments be limited to five (5) minutes in length.
·        For groups with the same special interest, we request that a spokesperson be appointed.
·       We are requesting that, if possible, a copy of patron comments is provided in writing, to the Board via the Superintendent’s office, before the meeting, or provided by the speaker at the meeting.

A record of all questions, comments, and suggestions will be compiled and added to the information on conference affiliation, which is made available on district website. We will be conducting a simple exit poll following the public forum.

Current conference information (member schools, enrollment figures, activity offerings, and travel distances) is currently available on the LCPS website:

Please join us on February 27th for this important discussion.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

LCPS Board Approves 2012-13 School Calendar.

The 2012-13 school calendar features:
  •  A starting date of August 16, 2012 for students in grades 7-12 and and August 17th for all students. 
  • An ending date of  May 16, 2013 
  • 174  instructional days (171 for elementary students) for students
  • 185 contract days for staff
  • 13 days with 2pm dismissals times
  • One noon dismissal
  • 161 Full Days
  • 1129 Hours for 7-12 students (1080 are required)
  • 1109 Hours for K-6 Students 
The 2012-13 LCPS school calendar may be accessed on the school website

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Strategic Planning Meeting Scheduled to Discuss Conference Options

On Monday February 27th district patrons are invited to join the Loup City Board of Education for a strategic planning meeting to discuss LCPS’s conference affiliation options.  Loup City is a founding member of the Lou Platte Conference, which was first organized the 1950’s. Other schools in the Lou Platte Conference are: Adams Central, Centura, Doniphan / Trumbull, Gibbon, Kearney Catholic, Ord, Ravenna, St. Paul, and Wood River. At the strategic planning meeting, the Loup City School Board will consider whether or not the Lou Platte Conference remains the right fit for our school.

Recent discussions among the Board, staff, and students have involved enrollment figures, travel distance, activity offerings, and future stability of the Lou Platte and surrounding conferences. The Loup City Public Schools have been approached by representatives of the Goldenrod, Fort Kearney, and Loup Valley Conferences to inquire about our district’s interest in possibly joining one of those conferences.

We have conducted discussions with and surveys of our staff and students regarding conference affiliation over the past few months. The Loup City Board of Education would like to use this strategic planning meeting to gather information and field questions from the public as the Board considers this issue for possible future action.

Information pertaining to the Lou Platte, Goldenrod, Fort Kearney, and Loup Valley conferences is posted on the Loup City Public Schools website .

Please plan to join us at this strategic planning meeting to listen and be heard on this important issue.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Area Farmers Can Help LCPS Receive Monsanto Grant Funds

Farmers in the Loup City School District area are encouraged to nominate Loup City Schools to be a recipient of up to $25,000.  The America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education program has been introduced to help farmers positively impact their communities and support local schools. This program is sponsored by the Monsanto Fund and gives farmers the opportunity to nominate their local school district to compete for a grant up to $25,000. In all, the program will allow local school districts in 1,245 counties across 39 states to add over $2.3 million to their math and science programs.

Grants will be awarded based on merit, financial need and community support.  The more nominations Loup City Schools get, the more likely the school will receive the grant funds.

Farmer Eligibility – Entrants must be 21 years or older and actively engaged in farming of 250 acres of corn and/or soybeans.  There can be only one nomination per qualified applicant.  No purchase is necessary.  Nominations are due by April 15, 2012.

For program guidelines and nomination information you can visit the America’s Farmers Grow Rural Education website at or contact the Sherman County Economic Development Office at 308-745-5040.

Monday, January 16, 2012

Loup City Public Schools Celebrate School Board Member Appreciation Week

The week of January 22-28 has been designated as Nebraska School Board Recognition Week. The Loup City Public School district has joined with districts across the state to thank these community volunteers for service to public education.
      Being a school board is sometimes described as one of the toughest volunteer jobs in America, yet Nebraska public school board members dedicate countless hours to attending meetings, school functions and hours of preparation for the decisions they make. They work to stay on top of the ever changing education landscape and issues relating to education. Our schools and our community are better because of these community volunteers. LCPS board members develop polices and make decisions which help shape the future for the district. They bear responsibility and oversight for an annual budget of $7.9 million, 339 students, 62 employees and several buildings and other facilities.
     We are grateful to have an opportunity to formally say 'thank you' to these education advocates as they provide vision and leadership for student achievement, academic programs, district funding and school facilities. Residents of The Loup City Public School District are encouraged to express their appreciation to the board members not only during January but throughout the year.

The men and women serving Loup City Public Schools and their terms of office are:

Mike Rademacher, Board President – (1991- 2014)
Pat Kuehl Vice President – (1999-2012)
Kelly Griffith, Secretary- (2005-2012)
Loraine Panowicz, Treasures (1999-2014)
Jim Jaeschke– (1999-2012)
Steve Badura-(1999-2014)
Rick Chilewski- (1999-2012)
Becky Lambrecht (2009-2012)
Cindy Ericson (2011-2014)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

LCPS 2011-12 Receipts and Spending Down

Through approximately the first 1/3 fiscal year, LCPS has spent $1,195,758. This $169,305 less than last we spent at this point last year. LCPS has received $1,195,758, which is $181,937 less than we received at this point last year.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Reminder: Social Media Presentation for Adults set for Jan. 12

     I would like to remind parents, and other district patrons of the social media workshop being offered for adults on January 12, 2012 at 6:30 in the North gym. Karen Hasse of the Harding and Schultz Law Firm will be presenting information and interacting with adults about social media and how it effects our school, our students, and our community.
     The slides that Mrs. Hasse will be using as the focal part of her discussion will be available on our school Facebook Page (Loup City Public Schools) prior to the workshops.
     The effects of bullying, especially when combined with the technology of social media, effect students, teaches, and parents alike. This is a great opportunity for us to deal with these issues in a proactive, thoughtful and practical manner. Please don't miss this unique opportunity to take part and contribute.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

LCPS to Offer Anti-Bullying Workshops to Students, Staff, and Patrons

      On Thursday January 12th, The Loup City Public Schools has scheduled Karen Hasse of  the Harding and Schultz Law Firm to present workshops to our students, teachers and patrons on bullying consequences, cyber-bullying and social media. Students in grades 4-6 will hear Karen at 1:30 and students in grades 7-12 will attend Karen’s presentation at 2:30.
     Members of the community are invited to meet with Karen and attend her presentation for adults at 6:30. All sessions will be held in the north gym.
     The effects of bullying, especially when combined with the technology of social media, effect students, teaches, and parents alike. This is a great opportunity for our staff and students to deal with these issues in a proactive, thoughtful and practical manner. District patrons are specifically invited to attend the evening presentation to gather information and provide insight and guidance to school staff on issues that effect our students. This will be a great opportunity for all members of the Red Raider family.