The Nebraska Department of Education has released the 2010-11 Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) decisions for Nebraska Schools. AYP is the minimum standard set for schools to meet the requirements of the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). Each year the state AYP goal will increase, with all schools expected to reach 100% proficiency in reading and math by 2014.
The Loup City Public Schools have exceeded AYP standards in reading and math for the 2010-11 school year. Since LCPS is considered a, “very small school, “(no tested class containing more than 30 students) our district-wide reading and math scores were used to determine AYP status. Scores included in AYP calculations:
Reading: The 2010-11 state goal was set at 67% of students testing at proficient or higher. LCPS students exceeded the state standard with 72.9% of students testing at proficient or higher in reading- an increase from 66.2% in 2009-10
Math: The 2010-11 state goal was set at 51% of students testing at proficient or higher. LCPS students exceeded the state standard with 79.3% of our students testing at proficient or higher in math. This was the first year for the NeSA math assessment.
Writing is not part of AYP and is listed listed under, “Other Academic Indicators.” LCPS students exceeded the state standard in writing- with 62% of students scoring proficient or higher in writing.
The progress that we have made in continuing to exceed AYP standards in reading and math, along with the upward trend of our test scores are very encouraging. It is especially noteworthy that, since we were classified as a, “very small school,” it took the efforts of all of our students and all of our classes to exceed AYP. We are not where we want to be (100% proficient in all areas) but we are moving in the right direction.